Wednesday, July 28, 2010

...And How?...

You know I think I just like coming up with funkly titles for my posts!

So not much new is going on. The comic-con is over, the Tour de France is over, the World Cup is over...hell Wimbeldon is even over. I have nothing to follow and nothing to look forward to. My Padres are on top of the NL West but that probably won't last as the team is young and I question their staying ability.

So this past weekend I really geeked out and plugged into the whole World Wide Web and my withdrawal has been difficult so I've continued to follow things on Twitter, Facebook and about a dozen other sites. It's interesting because there are all of these people posting and some of their posts/tweets I really dig. Its weird that you can have this odd sorta friendship with people we hardly know in 120 characters or less. Facebook & Twitter especially has really shrunken our world and yet we know even less about those around us. Sort of strange really.

In other news, I wrote something. It sucked and its not even close to what I wanted but it was still writing and it wasn't a blog so it was a start. I've scraped it but it got the ball moving and that's what is important....right?....Right! ;-)

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