Monday, August 2, 2010

Do or do not...there is no try!

I think Yoda was onto something when he told Luke that. Or at least my mother tried to get me to think he was. Still, I do believe that for the most part that little quote is true and so it frustrates me when I don't live by it. Case in point...I want to write. I want to write a novel, a poem, a comic book...anything. I want to be able to say one day far from now in a galaxy far far away that I had something published! I don't care if its a two line hi-freaking-ku!

So if I want to be published (and I don't care what the 'pros' say...writing a blog doesn't count, expecially when you only have three followers...and two of them are me!) I need to actually produce something. I mean telling people I wanna write and then not writing for nearly 6 months really doesn't do a thing except perhaps makes me feel important. Oh and work memo's don't count either...I can't help the fact that I'm one of only two people on site who can type faster than 10 words a minute.

With that in mind I suppose I need to decide what genre I would write in and then narrow that down to what medium. hmmm And in all of this I'm fighting an uphill battle against a billion 'wanna-be' writers and those who with more tenacity than I seem to possess. Ms. Saintcrow is a pit-bull when it comes to writing and sticking-to-itism.

Why, you may ask, am I bringing this up now? Well, I'm glad you asked! I was watching Desperado last night on the moving picture tube and then flipped over to John Waynes "The Alamo" I also surfed over to hulu and watched an episode of Le Femme Nikita (I'm working through all of the seasons slowly) followed finally by the first episode of Batman: The Animated Series. All of this combined with my desire to write and I think I've come up with something. It's cheesy at this point and probably flat and lame. I'm borrowing on the popula crop of movie/tv shows but I'm also thinking I'm going to mine a genre that perhaps doesn't get mined as often as it should. For now I'll say this; the genre is thus; Western-Horror-Vamp-Action with just a little mysticism & werewolves thrown in for good least right now as I type this. Tonight it may change! ;-) So would someone read this type of novel? Do I care? Did Dan Brown or Gaiman care about what someone would read when they started their books? Probably not but you never know. So I'm off on a little journey. We'll see if it works or even gets finished. Maybe I have the next Jonah wait no I don't think so...maybe I have the next X-men in the palm of my hands! lol One could always hope.

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