Friday, July 23, 2010

Lovely Technology...oh how I love thee....

10 Years ago the San Diego Comic-Con was this small little thing that barely filled the San Diego Convention center. It was cool, it was intimate and I saw some of the people who made a difference in my early childhood....I mean I saw Stan Lee and said hi to him. He was sitting right there on a panel and taking questions from the likes of me and others far geekier than I. The man invented Spider-Man, X-men,and the Hulk, amongst others. He literally ruled my childhood. He taught me lessons my parents could never have gotten across to me. Hell I have a tattoo of one of his creations on my arm. It was great. We trolled the convention floor for deals, the latest and greatest and those oldies but goodies to fill the holes in our collections. Trading Card Games hadn't quite taken over yet and video games were still fairly rudimentary. No Halo, No Gears of War and certainly no Spider-Man or X-men movies. Rumors perhaps, to wet our appetites but nothing more.

Fast forward 10 years and you now have this insane, anarchy like entity that is the current SDCC. It's insane. I went last year (and would've gone this year had I just had the money) and we waited for nearly 90 minutes to get in. Once in it was a sea of geeks and nerds alike all united in their love for all things Comics. It was heaven. People are, as I type this, lining up outside the doors to be the first in. Yesterday there was a crazy long line just to get into one of the halls to witness a new trailer for Tron: Legacy. (I saw it on the web after and it is gnarly....and to think this movie is going to be out in Imax 3D....makes me shudder in pleasure...) SDCC is the coolest spectacle of all the goodness that is the world of the nerd. I miss it. I miss the smell, the sureallness of it all. The bigger than life displays and the open display of talent of both the fans and the people behind it all. We have movies, TV shows, video games and yes even those pesky trading card games.

And yet.....

I am not missing all of it. Thanks to the modern marvel we call technology I have been able to keep up with much of the latest news. I am wired in baby. I get to spend my time wishing I was there but tempering that wish with live Tweets from people I don't even know. I get to surf over to the comic book companies websites to see what their booths look like....mostly from the convenience of my phone!!! Yep my phone. I watched the Tron Legacy trailer on my phone I keep checking Twitter for the latest post with the #SDCC tag in it and I get to see the lines, and experience the costumes through their posted pics. It's amazing that not only can I do this but so can a million others spread throughout the world. Totally Wicked Cool. What an amazing time we live in to be able to access this kind of tech so easily. Yes, I know, for some its not so easy to reach (heck comics are $2.99 a pop at the low end and the toys are even more extravagant...and don't even get me started on how much it costs to see a movie now-a-days....especially with a family of 5) but still there are ways and they're not to hard to access.

So while I fully intend to attend next year (and perhaps for more than just one day)I will sit back and roll, like a pig in slop, around in the sweet goodness that is today's modern technology...and like the title says: Oh Sweet Lovely Technology, oh how I love Thee.

That's it folks, that's all I've got. Run, don't walk folks. Eye that exit sign...that sign that signifies sweet, intoxicating freedom. Hover near and please don't screw that...if they're to slow, trample them my friends. Get the Fuck out and enjoy that weekend. Embrace it like a long lost lover, kiss it and make sweet love to it until you're spent and can't go any further. I will be here watching over you, stuck at work...waiting for my turn to bum rush the exit!!!! Party well my friends cuz in two days you'll be shackled to that damn desk once more! ;-) muhahahahaha

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