Sunday, July 18, 2010

Argh....hmph...snikt....or I'm a comic book fiend.....

The past few days I've begun making my way through a 2' tall stack of comic books I've been meaning to read. Its been quite fun & enlightening. At 37 I realize I still love comic books, & being a healthy male in full control of my faculties ive also realized that I am in love with Sara Pezzini, Emma Frost, & Betsy Braddock! What's cool about out my stack is that for some tittles ive not picked it up for 2 years. 5hats roughly 24 issues. One story arc flows right into another. I'm loving it,probably wont happen again but ill enjoy while I have it.

In other Acyd like news...I have this well not a story per se but this idea rather & its sitting right on the edge of my mind percolating yet unrecognizable. A fetus of an idea with no real identity. Yet when i go to grab it it remains elusive, it slips from my grasp like a melting ice cube. It's being fueled by the book im reading. Its an early book by the very excellent author William Gibson. It's a reap cyberpunk book with console. cowboys, wetworks, & assassins. This combined with the resurgence of my comic book fetish has gotten my head rolling. It hurts & it sux. I can't really write it eitjer because its not formed and seems to not want to. I'm seeking something to release it too, desperately seeking release. I've tried more comic books, more books, more cartoons, more web surfing.....all sort of difficult with limited funds and two munchkins who have sort of stolen my computer. I wish for its release like a nympho needs release. I so want to spew my idea forth onto the screen of my computer if for not other than to get it out. The build up is consuming and nearly overwhelming. I'm not happy with my wee little brain this weekend.

So folks if you know how to give Mr. Acyd his release please step forward and be heard! Until then i will be mudling through thisthing called life reading, wishing, & pondering the great mystery they call life.

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