Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The 12 & 1/2 Year Plan...

12 years give or take a few months, thats all I have left! Oh no don't get me wrong faithful readers I do not have some terminal disease....yet but I know that things can't stay this rosy forever. We are dying. The sooner we accept this the better off we are and the sooner we can stop blaming God, the Devil, the universe, Buddha, Odin, Thor, Isis, etc.. for all of the good & bad in our lives. Face it dear readers life is just one bad hand, one unlucky toss of the dice away from complete & total anihilation! Ok I admit perhaps that's a bit melodramatic but it sounds good.

Seriously though we are dying and somehow thats liberating. From my perspective I'm figuring I have till I'm 50. Yep 50, why fifty u ask? Good question, & my answer is basically that's 12ish years for whatever is going to kill me to do its thing. High blood pressure, a fall, some disease not yet known, or the big C. (Lance Armstrong recently tweeted that 1 in 3 people will get cancer) will all take about that long to develop, eat my innards and send me to the fishes. But 50 is a good age to go. You're not yet a burden, you still know whats going on and the family will still have good memories. It's not a bad time to go....except maybe that the son will not have graduated yet...of course by then we'll know if he's going to or if he's going to be a career criminal. Remeber after 5 they've pretty much learned all the 'morals' they're going to.

So what does this mean? Nothing really, I can't quit my job or anything but it does mean I need to slow down and enjoy what ive got around me and u should to dear blog lurkers. U never know when u might kick the bucket & I doubt there is much after this. We'll be feeding the worms six feet under in a rotting wooden box. So grab life now and enjoy it, the endgame is around the corner no matter how hard u fight it. Some might think that this is really depressing, that im being suicidal or have a negative out look on life but I assure u I dont. I'm being realistic, pragmatic, accepting of fate and I smile as I realize that i must've missed the train to Invulnerability Town & Immortalville!

Now I'm off to play 'Ace of Cakes' with my children. Yep now that's grabbing life by the &ornament and running with it. A real edge of the seat rollercoaster ride thru life! Until next time dear readers I bid u all adieu! ;-)


  1. Wow my friend u have one eff'd up view on the world...take a vapium dude and chill out. It must be effing awesome to live with!

  2. No, no...I'm fine to live with Mr. Jman (nice name by the way, I like it) I like to just think outside the box, give alternate views to an overly saturated world that swallows pretty much whatever is shoved down their collective throats. The media,the government, the clergy or the world needs us on our knees all believing and doing the same thing in order to better control us. Someone needs to try and stand apart for the greater good of future generations!
